Llama Who Episode One

 Please note that Dr Who, the Tardis and various monsters are copyright the BBC. However this is Llama Who, a part llama part timelord who travels in a Llardis and meets very different sorts of monsters, honest! 



Theme tune: Llama Whooooooo, Llama Whooooo, Whooo-wooh-wooh, who-wa-hooo, llama whoooooooo!!!

Voiceover: An exciting story about space and time starring Eevee as the human companion mysteriously turned into a Llama and Dr Llama Who as the renegade Llama Time Lord from Llamafrey in the constellation of Llama-sterberous, in their fight against the scourge of the known universe, the evil Cyber-Llamas.

Our intrepid explorers have just arrived in their Llardis (llamas and relative dimensions in space). Dr Llama has just dropped his former companion Romana-llama off into Eee-by-gum space (Yorkshire) and has landed near Eevee’s house. Eevee is a humanoid earthling aged eight who has many of the qualities the Dr wants in a companion – curiosity, spirit, bravery, an ability to draw and a love of llamas. The doctor-llama looks like an every-day llama but he is dressed in a bow-tie, fez and scarf and has a piece of celery sticking out of his pocket which he nibbles from time to time. He also likes to eat wibbly-wobbly jelly.  

It was a grey and rainy day. Everyone looked up into the sky and said ‘why is there a big black shadow?’ I walked up to the people and said ‘let’s ask the doctor’. Everyone said ‘whose the dr?’ I said ‘he’s this time-travelling guy and he can sort out stuff. I met him in the shop once when he was searching for clues and he found cyber-stuff’.  Then the doctor looked up in the sky and said ‘oh no, the cybermen are visiting!!!!’ He shouted out his window and said ‘everybody go inside your house, I’ll take care of this!’

What was happening is that the cyber-llamas in the cyber-llama ship were plotting an evil plan. They said ‘be boop bop beep. The Dr has got to come to our ship and we will hypnotise him!’  It was still a dark and rainy day. The Dr Llama ran straight out of his house and the cyber-llamas said ‘we’re going to put down a beam to get him. There might be a little fight but we want to talk to him, so nobody fight the doctor ok?!’ What he did is he had his sonic screwdriver and waved it in the air where the beam is and he was actually right – they were cyber-llamas!!!!! They had a little bit of a fight – just a little bit – and then the cybermen said ‘please stop fighting us! We just lifted you up because…WE WANTED TO DEFEAT YOU!!!!!’

The cyber-llamas defeated the doctor and took away his sonic screwdriver and put him in a cyber-jail on their ship. They did feed him – they gave him water and a sponge and a bucket because he needed to clean the sink in their cyber-bathroom. The doctor’s charming and lovely assistant Eevee came to rescue him and she found the key, unlocked him and got back his sonic screwdriver.  Eevee was secretly a ninja (where did she go? Is he over here? Nooo, now she’s over there!) The cybermen actually spot him but their ship goes into pitch blackness and they could just sneak away quietly. They meet this friendly llama in a jail cell and they rescue him too, telling him ‘come down with us and come back to Earth instead of being on this horrible horrible ship!’   

They reached the beam, pulled a lever and everyone is safe on Earth – phew! But not for long. The cyber-llamas come back and visit because they notice the Dr is not here. The Dr llama time travels away to Mars or somewhere. He goes into an alien shop to buy alien clothes. He finds where all the llama-mannequins are and these mannequins’ as soon as he turns around they know that the mannequins are out the place. If he turns the other way they will follow him. They ran out the shop and then the llama-autons all suddenly came to life and followed the Dr-Llama out the shop. Eevee says ‘Doctor, what do we do now?’ The mannequins then travelled to Earth using the nestene consciousness’ spaceship.

We are back at Earth. It is a grey and rainy night. The doctor says to Eevee ‘do you want to be dropped off near McDonalds or by your house?’ ‘By McDonalds please, I want a cheeseburger and some extra fries and a McFlurry’. They also got some little toys including a toy sonic screwdriver. Suddenly the toy llama that Eevee had in her happy meal sprung to life and tried to suck her in through its mouth. The doctor had to save her. He points the toy sonic screwdriver at the toy llama, which runs away dropping Eevee.